Friday, August 19, 2011

A New blogger Friend has awarded N and CF with the "Liebster Award."

My new blogger friend Craig from has honored Noir and Chick Flicks with the "Liebster Award!". Graig created his beautiful blog, May 31, 2011. All the amazing graphics on his blog are created by Craig himself. He loves Rita Hayworth's performance in the film Gilda, and named his blog after her character.

In German and Spanish Liebster means "beloved". This blog award started in Germany and has made its way all the way over here. It was meant to highlight blogs with less than 30 followers.

The only rules for this award are to link back to my blog and pay it forward by nominating five of your favorite blogs! Craig, has given me the rare opportunity to share more of my favorite blogs.

Twentyfour Frames. Very well written blog, you will also enjoy all the beautiful pictures. Clara, always writes entertaining articles, it will soon be one of your favorite blogs.
Film Noir Photos. This blogger, has extensive personal collection of beautiful classic movie pictures. This blog is beautifully presented.
Hollywood Revue. I have just recently started to read this very entertaining blog. Angela's, favorite types of classic films include: silents, pre-codes, musicals, film noir, comedy, and 1960s European films. She is also writes about super campy B-movies.
Flying DownTo Hollywood. Sally, loves classic movies, musicals, mysteries, family films, and romantic comedies with happy endings.

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