Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award".

Thank you to Monty over at "All Good Things Blogspot" for passing the "The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award", to N and CF. Here is the link to Monty's awesome blog... All Good Things Blogspot.  Monty, did an amazing job on this years "best actress and best actor tournaments. He deserves many awards for all his hard work.

Here are the rules:

1) Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
2) Share 7 random facts about yourself.
3) Pass the award to 12 of your blogging buddies.
4) Notify the recipients

7 Random facts about me:

1. The economy has changed our families way of life forever, but... we have reinvented ourselves and are hoping for a bright future.
2. You may or may not know that we have a 7 month old Tri color pocket Beagle, named Winslow. We get our exercise at a beautiful park every morning. Winslow, has not met a stranger...
3. I grew up in Calif. but, now live in AZ. and Sedona is my favorite vacation spot.
4. I'm an avid Gardner and I grew the largest (for me) okras this year, ever.
5. I started watching classic movies for the first time in my late 40's. I believe that my first classic movie was, "Meet Me in St Louis".
6. My favorite food is smoothies and I'm always trying to put together new flavor combos. Broccoli and pineapple tastes great together..
7. I love to travel and have been to 25 different states..

For my compete list of favorite blogs, please check Noir and Chick Flicks side bar. If you find a "new to me" blog. Please click and check it may find a new blog friend.  :)

1. A Person in the Dark who has a beautiful blog and a passion for silents, early talkies, all stars and all films. She is about to celebrate her first year anniversary with some wonderful new ideas for posts.

2. All Good Things. Monty, loves to talk about movies and believes movies are one of the best pleasures in life. Monty, covers all genres: comedy, action, horror, sci-fi, drama, musicals, etc.

3. And Then They Start To Sparkle.  You can tell Irene loves classic Hollywood and does a wonderful job sharing her love for classic movies.

4. Caftan Woman.  Is a Canadian woman of a certain age, who is loving life and has a wonderul blog about classic movies.

5. Pfeiffer Pfilms And Meg Movies. Paul, lives in Italy and is a huge fan of Michelle Pfeiffer and Meg Ryan. So... if you are a Ryan or Pfeiffer fan, you may want to check out his wonderful blog.

6. The Girl with the White Parasol. If you like the Classic Cinema of the, 1930-1965, and enjoy reviews, costumes, movie trailers, movie lists and "more stars than there are in the heavens." of the Golden era, this blog is for you.

7. Fedoras and High Heels.  If you love old movies, classic television shows, vintage fashion, and almost anything from the '30s, '40s, '50s, and '60s. You will want to see what Fedoras has to share with all of us classic movie fans. .

8. ClassicBecky's Brain Food. Becky says, that movies and books have shaped who she is and her well written blog helps her celebrate the best of both worlds. Sometimes, she will spotlight the worst of both, just for fun. You will love Becky's sense of humor..

9. Distant Voices and Flickering Shadows. from jazz age music to new wave films. This blog will take your  imaginations to that 1920s Hollywood nightclub or that side street bistro in 1950s Paris. Sit back, and enjoy your stay at this very well written blog site.

10. Olivia and Joan: Sisters of the Silver Screen. This blog is intended to be a celebration of the films and careers of living legends Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine. This blog is beautifully put together.

11.The Amazing Deanna Durbin Blogspot. Tom, has put together this amazing tribute to Deanna Durbin. I have learned so much about this talented actress from the 30s and 40s.

12.And...scene! This blog is a very entertaining journal of Sarah's classic film adventures. You can tell she really loves classic movies.

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